
Summer Favourites

From cute Bow Ties, to adorable Bandana's, find your pawfect accessories here.

It's been a very difficult 18 months...

Following contracting COVID in the summer of 2022, I became increasingly poorly and Christmas 2023 it all came to a head and I was left bed bound for the majority of time since. I already suffered with a few health conditions and COVID has left me with additional health conditions which has meant me having to spend most of the last year in bed. I also now require a wheelchair to leave the house and at 35 years old, this has been a major adjustment. Luckily, I have my two Golden Retrievers who have been there to provide extra cuddles, love and companionship through this difficult time. 

I want to say a special thank you to all of the kind emails and messages I've recieved from my wonderful customers. I have a large number of messages still to respond to, so please bare with me whilst I work my way through them all. Although its unlikely I'll be able to manage the volume of orders I was previously accepting, I will do my best to accept as many as possible. Thank you again to all of my customers for your patience and understanding.

Best wishes

Victoria xxx

A Bella Bows Boutique Gift Card makes the perfect gift for friends, family or colleagues with pets. This Gift Card can be used to buy products on our website.

*Gift cards will be delivered to your email address with a code which can be used during checkout in our store.

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